README.TXT for TekExpress SAS Tx (Ver. 10.2.2)
Version: 10.2.2
Last Revised: Jan-2017

1. Introduction
2. Features
3. TekExpress SAS Tx created changes on your system.
4. Before you click "RUN"
5. Supported Test Suites
6. Information
7. Pre-Requisites
8. Known Limitations
8.1 Installer related limitation
8.2 TekExpress application related limitation
8.3 TekExpress SAS Tx application related limitation

1. Introduction

The Opt. SAS3-TSG (TekExpress® SAS Transmitter Automated Solution),
supported on DPO/DSA/MSO70000/C and DPO/DSA70000/D models, includes
TekExpress automated software (TekExpress SAS Tx) for testing SAS physical
layer transmitter testing.

TekExpress SAS Tx is an automated test system for testing the SAS
compliance/conformance tests.

The Installation manual contains the procedure for installation and the
online help file included with the software contains the detailed
information on how to use the system. This Readme.txt file contains
additional information for the user.

2. Features

Release v10.2.2
- Readme update.

Release v10.2.1
- Changed Limits for Gen1/gen2 Rise/Fall time

Release v10.2.0
- Migrated to new TekExpress Framework version 4.0
- Automated Tx test: 25 compliance tests. Refer to the OLH included as
part of the installer
- Support for SAS Base spec v06


3. TekExpress SAS Tx created changes on your system.
After first launch of "TekExpress SAS.exe" following changes take place in
your computer.
a) "My TekExpress" folder is created under "My Documents" folder of current
user NOTE: If a user with new login ID launches "TekExpress SAS.exe",
"My TekExpress" folder is created under "My Documents" of the new user.
b) "SAS" folder is created under "My TekExpress" folder
c) "Untitled Session" folder is created under "SAS" folder, note that
every time "TekExpress SAS.exe" is launched "Untitled Session" folder is
created under "SAS" folder and will be deleted after proper termination
of application.
d) If user saves a session in TekExpress SAS all session files are saved
under "SAS" folder. Note that each session has multiple files associated
with it and do not tamper with any of the session file(s) and/or
folder(s) this may result in loss of data or corrupted session files.

4. Before you click "RUN"
a) Right click on the "My TekExpress" folder and open the Properties dialog
box. Select General tab and then Advanced. In the Advanced Attributes
window, ensure that the option Encrypt contents to secure data is NOT
b) Ensure that all the required instruments are properly warmed up, Signal
Path Compensation (SPC) is performed, followed by calibration and cable
c) It is highly recommended to read Troubleshooting section in OLH before
you click "RUN"
d) For SSC measurements at Gen3 speed, record length of 50M is recommended.
e) Ensure that the following software are installed in your system.
- Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0 SP1 or later.
- Adobe Reader 6.0 or equivalent software
- Tektronix Jitter and Eye Diagram tool
- MATLAB 8.0 (2012b) runtime
f) If you notice that Waveform Distortion Penalty (WDP) measurement is not
enabled then SAS-TSGW option need to be brought separately
g) For enabling pattern validation on CJTPAT, the pattern details need to
provided in the 'CJTPAT_SAS_symbols.txt' file located at
'C:\Program Files\Tektronix\TekExpress\TekExpress SAS\
Compliance Suites\Drive\PHY-TSG-OOB'


5. Supported Test Suites
Following test suites are supported by this version of TekExpress SAS:

6. Information
a) The version of SAS3_EYEOPENING used is v2.1
b) This version of TekExpress SAS is supported only on Non-ATI channels of the SX oscilloscopes

7. Pre-Requisites

7.1 Third party Dependency components Version (These will installed as part
of the full deployment package except MATLAB runtime that will be
installer as part of the DPOJET install package):

1. MS DOTNET framework Ver. 4.0
2. MATLAB Ver. Ver8.0 for Win7
3. Iron Python Ver. 2.7.3
4. PyVISA Ver.

7.2 Tektronix Dependency Firmware/Applications Version (These needs to be
installed by the End-user explicitly):

1. Real Time TekScope firmware Ver. 10.3.0 and above.
2. DPOJET application Ver. 10.0.0 and above.

7.3 Scope Requirements
1. SAS Gen1 and Gen2 require DPO/DSA/MSO 12.5Ghz C/D models and above
2. SAS Gen3 require DPO/DSA/MSO 20Ghz C/D models and above

7.4 Tektronix Software option keys required :

1. On TekScope :
a. SAS3-TSG for SAS-3 Automated Tx Compliance Tests.
b. SAS3-TSGW for SAS-3 WDP Transmitter Measurements.

8. Known Limitations

8.1 Installer related limitation
a) Installation of TekExpress and other software are installed on C: only.
b) User need to have administrative privilege while installing the application
c) Application can only be launched in TekScope.
d) Before installing the application, Tekscope application should be closed.

8.2 TekExpress application related limitation
a) User needs to have administrative privilege while launching the
application first time.
b) Test will be started only when all the required instruments are available.
c) During test execution if user pauses the execution and makes any changes
in instrument setup, then it is important that user restores the
instruments settings to same state before clicking "resume".
d) DUT ID should have maximum of 32 Characters, even though field allows for more.
e) It is recommended to use a secondary monitor when the application is used.
f) When user hits Run button for the first time after application is
opened, application will take few seconds to load all components. This
will cause UI to freeze for few seconds. Repeatedly pressing Stop
button will cause the application to hang.
g) By default detailed log is always enabled, Hence Checking and Unchecking
"Show detailed log" in status tab, has no effect

8.3 TekExpress SAS-TSG and SAS-TSGW application related limitation

a) While running the tests, SAS application will go behind the scope
during some of the tests. User has to press Alt-Tab to bring the
application to the front.
b) Install of custom software for putting the DUT into certain mode is not
handled in the application. Application expects the Script names used
to be appropriately configured before running the application. You can
refer to the OLH for more details.
c) While the custom script to put the DUT into certain mode is running,
the application cannot be stopped.
d) In email settings, Score card and Analysis Screen shot functionality
are not applicable for this application
e) Application does not do pattern validation for OOB and 'Scrambled 0'
f) Session of TekExpress will be saved in x:\SAS
