README.TXT for TekExpress DisplayPort Ver.10.3.5 (July-2019) Contents: 1. Introduction 1.1 Key features in the current release 1.2 Key features in the previous version 2. Before you click "RUN" 3. TekExpress DisplayPort created changes on your system. 4. Supported Tests 5. Supported list of equipment and accessories 6. Known Limitations 6.1 Installer related limitation 6.2 TekExpress application related limitation 6.3 TekExpress application known issues ================================================================================= 1. Introduction The Tektronix TekExpress DisplayPort is an automated test solution for testing the DisplayPort compliance for Standard and Type-C DisplayPort Compliance Testing as per CTS 1.2b and 1.4a. 1.0 Key features in the current release(10.3.5) a) Following list of defects are addressed in this release: DP-2777: [AR #62578] Tekexpress Displayport software deliver different worse case eye height with different version DP-2907: HBR3 loop bandwidth not correctly set in clock recovery for NON ISI DP-2906: In Test Selection Panel NON ISI does not show when only HBR3 selected DP-2905: Non ISI jitter measurement should not be executed on HBR2 DP-2888: Test 3.14 Main Link frequency compliance runs for NoSSC also when both is selected for SSC in DUT Panel DP-2879: 0dB -1200mV combination should be reported for TJ for RBR/HBR DP-2871: Test 3.3 RBR/ HBR Pre-Emphasis Level Verification testing runs for NoSSC also when both is selected for SSC in DUT Panel DP-2870: Test 3.2 Non Pre-Emphasis Level Verification testing runs for NoSSC also when both is selected for SSC in DUT Panel DP-2772: [Plugfest] Eye diagram is giving different result for each run with CTLE, DFE option 1.1 Key features in the current release(10.3.4_Beta) latest version of VESA DFE tool is integrated with TekExpress Displayport. DP-2670 DELL: CTS Random Jitter Measurement. 1.2 Key features in the current release(10.3.3_Beta) Integrated with latest TekExpress framework. 1.3 Key features in the current release(10.3.1_Alpha) a) Fix for the Eye-diagram & TJ measurements, running with user-defined BER 1.4 Key features in the current release(10.3.1) a) Support for minPE measurement b) Correction for Random Jitter measurement c) HBR3 defect fixes for Type C in Eye Diagram, Total Jitter and Random Jitter measurement d) Easier way to recall license for DPR-100 e) Following Improvements/defects addressed in this release DP-2475 Fixed the difference in values and the rows when Total Jitter and Random Jitter which were run in Live mode are run in pre-record mode DP-2460 Fixed the DP 1.4 App hang issue DP-2447 Fixed the exception that arises when tried to select DPR-100 from Test Mode DP-2443 Fixed RJ measurement report issue DP-2442 Fixed HBR2/HBR3 Level Equalization measurement report issue DP-2389 Duplication of Harmonics plots are removed for HBR2/HBR3 Level Equalization measurement DP-2287 'Thread was being aborted' message whenever user stops the test getting is fixed DP-2387 Computation of VTX_TRANSITION_BIT_OUTPUT_RATIO - Tabular structure DP-2377 Added Min PE Measurement in Spectral Method 1.5 Key features in the previous version (March-2018) a) Support automation of Alpine Ridge controller based DUT b) TekExpress DP -- cable emulator and HBR TP3_EQ eye mask improvements c) Fix for RF Switch De-embed feature not applying the filter d) Added support for dongle with Type C setup e) Support for Win10 scopes f) Resolved customer ARTs - AR # 60374, AR # 57015 and AR # 56860 g) Support for P77xx and P7313 probes have been added h) Following Improvements/defects addressed in this release DP-2350 AUX eye diagram mask and limits updated as per latest DP1.4 CTS DP-2239 Added new measurement HBR2/HBR3 Level Equalization Test for CTS 1.4 [Pre-Emphasis] DP-2219 Updated limits and implementation as per latest CTS 1.4 draft for Eye diagram and TJ measurements DP-2195 AR #56777 - Uncheck 1200mV and 9.5dB by default in DUT panel DP-2187 AR # 60374 - HBR3 eye test result has been improved for Type C DP-2181 Updated limits and implementation as per latest Type C 1.2 CTS DP-2172 Added Eye Height and Eye Width values for RBR and HBR eye diagram DP-2160 AUX slew rate measurement has been added DP-1753 AUX tests support has been added for Type C DUT 1.6 Key features in the previous version (April-2017) Key features in Version 10.2.0 a)Support to configure and setup automated multi-lane testing using RF switch. b)Support for the latest version of DP 1.4 CTS Key Features in Version 10.1.1 (Feb-2017) a)Additional Signal Validation option as "Validate Pattern but Use Pattern as is". b)OLH Changes. Key Features in Version 10.1.0 (Jan-2017) a)DP13 option supports Transmitter compliance testing up to 8.1 Gbps (HBR3) as per the DisplayPort 1.4 spec. b)Complete automated compliance testing in less than 7 hours for data rates up to HBR2 and less than 11 hours for data rates up to HBR3. c)DisplayPort 1.4 DPOJET essentials package which comes bundled with TekExpress and can be used to characterize a DUT and analyzing its finer behavior. d)Stand-alone utility support for DPR-100 aux controller. e)Automated equalization support for HBR3 Data rate using SDLA. f)Support for generating reports which can be grouped by images. g)Option to select desired CTLE for HBR3 eye diagram measurements. h)Option to browse and execute different DPR-100 script files for DUT automation. i)Support for Aux Eye and Sensitivity measurement using Differential probes. ================================================================================= 2. Before you click "RUN" a) Ensure that all the required instruments are properly warmed up, Signal Path Compensation (SPC) is performed, followed by calibration and cable deskew. b) Steps for network drive connection b.1) Background information : After you first launch TekExpress, it creates the following folders on your computer: "\My Documents\My TekExpress" NOTE. Ensure that the "My TekExpress" folder has Full read and write access. NOTE. If a user with a different Windows login ID launches TekExpress, a new folder is created under "My documents" of new user. "\My Documents\My TekExpress\DisplayPort" "\My Documents\My TekExpress\DisplayPort\Untitled Session", This sub-folder is created every time the "TekExpress DisplayPort.exe" is launched and this sub-folder is deleted when you exit application. CAUTION: Each session has multiple files associated with it. Do not modify any of the session files and/or folders as this may result in loss of data or corrupted session files. The "My TekExpress" folder mentioned above is created as a shared folder with share name as 's My TekExpress. c) Install the installer in the DUT in case you are using Alpine Ridge DUT and control the DUT using Tenlira interface. ================================================================================= 3. TekExpress DisplayPort created changes on your system. After first launch of "TekExpress DisplayPort.exe" following changes take place in your computer. a) "My TekExpress" folder is created under "My Documents" folder of current user NOTE: If a user with new login ID launches "TekExpress DisplayPortTx.exe", "My TekExpress" folder is created under "My Documents" of the new user. b) "DisplayPort" folder is created under "My TekExpress" folder c) "Untitled Session" folder is created under "DisplayPort" folder, note that everytime "TekExpress DisplayPortTx.exe" is launched "Untitled Session" folder is created under "DisplayPort" folder and will be deleted after proper termination of application. d) If user saves a session in TekExpress DisplayPort all session files are saved under "DisplayPort" folder. Note that each session has multiple files associated with it and do not tamper with any of the session file(s) and/or folder(s) this may result in loss of data or corrupted session files. ================================================================================== 4. Supported Tests DisplayPort Compliance supports All transmitter tests for Physical Layer Solution in this version of the application. ================================================================================== 5.a) Supported list of equipment, accessories and software Minimum Requirement Scope Model :Tektronix DPO/DSA/MSO70000/D/DX/SX with BW 12.5G and above. Use 16 GHz or above for HBR3. Supported Probes: P7313SMA,P7520A,P7520A, P7516, P7513A, P7720,P7716,P7713, P6245,P6246, P6247, P6248, P6250, P6251 and TCP202. TekScope: 10.10.0 & above (DPO/DSA/MSO 70K C/D/DX/SX series only) DPOJET:Ver. 10.0.10 and above SDLA ver: and above ================================================================================== 6. Known Limitations 6.1 Installer related limitation a) Installation of TekExpress and other software packages are installed on C: drive only. b) The available free space on C: drive must be minimum 2.2GB. 6.2 TekExpress application related limitations a) Tests will be started only when all the instruments are available. b) During test execution if user pauses the execution and if user does any changes in instrument setup then it is important that user restores the instruments settings to same state before clicking "Continue". c) Need to have sufficient hard disc space(around 4-6GB when full run is selected) to save the session information. d) If an invalid pattern is given for analysis for Non-Preemphasis, Pre-emphasis tests image will have only graticles, waveform image is not shown. e) Don't run DPR-100 utility and TekExpress DisplayPort simultaneously. 6.3 TekExpress application Known issues a) Session files from previous release are not compatible in this new version b) Some .net interface PI commands supported in previous release may not work in the latest release c) Test IDs do not match with the CTS version d) DP-2656: TJ for HBR3 is not executed when CTLE,DFE option is selected for Eye diagram e) DP-2639: If DFE tool is not present in the scope, TekExpress exits without report error message f) DP-2918: Acquire/Analyze 3 times in preferences panel does not work for eye diagram using DFE tool