Version: 10.0.3 Product Name : TekExpress 40GBase-CR4 Compliance and Debug solutions Dependencies: - Tekscope Ver 10.8.1 - DPOJET Ver 10.0.6 Download size : 120MB Application Space need : 200MB Release Date : 15-May-2019 Contents: 1. Introduction - Supported Test suites - Supported Tektronix oscilloscopes 2. Install Instructions 3. 40G-CR4 option created changes on your system 4. Before you click "RUN" 5. Recommendations 6. Known Limitations ==================================================================================================== 1. Introduction The Tektronix 40GBase-CR4 is an compliance and Debug test system for testing the 40GBase-CR4 40G-CR4 option supports: - compliance test for 40GBase-CR4 at test point 0 and Test point 2 (i.e., TP0 and TP2) - DPOJET Plug-in, a debug solution for 40GBase-CR4 Supported Test Suites - TP0 - TP2 Supported Tektronix Oscilloscopes and software options - DPO/DSA/MSO 70000 C/D/DX/SX series scopes with minimum of 16GHz bandwidth Examples : DPO71604C, MSO72004/C, DPO/DSA72504C/D/DX, DPO77004SX - Software options DPOJET version 10.0.6 and above with "DJA" option(i.e., Advanced Jitter analysis option) - Tekscope firmware version Tekscope Firmware version 10.8.1 and above ==================================================================================================== 2. Install Instructions: The Installation manual contains the procedure for installation and the online help file included with the software contains the detailed information on how to use the system. This Readme.txt file contains additional information for the user. ==================================================================================================== 3. 40G-CR4 created changes on your system After first launch of "TekExpress 40GBase-CR4.exe" following changes take place in your computer. a) "My TekExpress" folder is created under "My Documents" folder of current user NOTE: If a user with new login ID launches "TekExpress 40GBase-CR4.exe", "My TekExpress" folder is created under "My Documents" of the new user. b) "40GBase-CR4" folder is created under "My TekExpress" folder c) "Untitled Session" folder is created under "40GBase-CR4" folder, note that every time "TekExpress 40GBase-CR4.exe" is launched "Untitled Session" folder is created under "40GBase-CR4" folder and will be deleted after proper termination of application. d) If user saves a session in 40GBase-CR4 all session files are saved under "40GBase-CR4" folder. Note that each session has multiple files associated with it and do not tamper with any of the session file(s) and/or folder(s) this may result in loss of data or corrupted session files. 40G-CR4, a DPOJET Plug-in, a debug solution a) 40G-CR4 Debug test can be launched from ““ menu under “Analyze” menu of Scope application menu b) Launching option from Analyze menu will launch DPOJET application with as the selected Standard under Standard tab. ==================================================================================================== 4. Before you click "RUN" a) Map the shared My TekExpress folder as X: (X drive) on all the instruments used in test setup running Microsoft Windows Operating System. This share folder is used to save the waveform files or any other file transfer operations. b) Right click on the My TekExpress folder and open the Properties dialog box. Select General tab and then Advanced. In the Advanced Attributes window, ensure that the option Encrypt contents to secure data is NOT selected. c) Ensure that all the required instruments are properly warmed up, Signal Path Compensation (SPC) is performed, followed by calibration and cable deskew. d) It is highly recommended to read “Troubleshooting” section in OLH before you click "RUN" e) Ensure that the following soft wares are installed in your system. Tektronix Jitter and Eye Diagram tool [10.0.6 onwards] Iron Python 2.7.3 PyVisa Micrsoft .NET 4.0 framework VC++ 2010 Redistributables V10.0.30319 Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 SP1 or later Adobe Reader 8.0 or equivalent software for viewing portable document format(PDF) files f) 40G-CR4 application runs only on the scope, user has to select only GPIB as option in Options->Instrument Manager dialog to search available devices. Default: GPIB8::1::INSTR will be selected. ==================================================================================================== 5. Recommendations a) It is recommended to use a secondary monitor when the application is run on a scope. ==================================================================================================== 6. Known Limitations 6.1 Installer related limitation -------------------------------- a) Installation of TekExpress and other software are installed on C: only. b) User need to have administrative privilege while installing the application 7.2 TekExpress 40G-CR4 application option related limitation ------------------------------------------------------------- a) User needs to have administrative privilege while installing the application and running the test b) Test will be started only when all the instruments are available. c) During test execution if user pauses the execution and makes any changes in instrument setup,then it is important that user restores the instruments settings to same state before clicking "resume". d) DUT ID should have maximum of 32 Characters, even though field allows for more. e) While running the tests, 40GBase-CR4 application will go behind the scope during some of the tests. User has to press Alt-Tab to bring the application to the front. f) Reports will not be generated if the text in the comments tab of Measurement Configuration Panel starts with "=". g) On DPO/DSA/MSO70000 C/D/DX series, 100Gs/s is supported on Ch1 / Ch3 or CH2 / CH4 combinations h) Under Limit editor, If only greater than or only less than string is used, by default they are associated with high limit and low limits respectively. i) Saving session with Special Character and rerunning it in prerecorded will result in error. j) Waveform name should have "Lane" and "Data pattern type" information as Lane , where x = 0 to 3. 6.3 TekExpress 40G-CR4 application known issues ------------------------------------------------ a) During recall session of any old version there is a popup comes which says session files mismatch. Click to proceed. b) In generated report is in PDF format, "Back to Summary Table" link do not work c) Wrong email address in Options->Email settings throws exception d) Report generated with Report option "Reports" tab -> Select "Append with previous run session" do not shows plots/images from previous run. ====================================================================================================