Release Notes: RSA API (Application Programming Interface) for 64-bit Linux ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.0.0014 Date: Mar 10, 2020 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This release note summarizes new features, improvements and bug fixes contained in the above software release. The RSA API for Linux are shared object (.so) files which provide direct access to the RSA300/500/600 devices. It enables full control of these RSA devices and provides several forms of data and measurements to support custom applications independent of SignalVu-PC. 64-Bit version of API is provided for usage on Centos 7, Debian 10, Ubuntu 18.04 The current software for the RSA API is available at Version 1.0.0014 adds the following functions. Bug fixes and other enhancements -------------------------------- - Supports basic API functions related to Device, Config, Alignment. - Supports API functions related to DPX, Spectrum, Tracking Generator, Ext Reference. - Supports API functions related to IQ Block, IQ Streaming, IF Streaming, Trigger. - Supports API functions related to Playback of R3F File. - Supports Swept Acquisitions through Spectrum API functions. - Fixed seg-fault related to Alignment API functions. - Fixed API freezing when IF Streaming to disk is invoked. Known Issues ------------ - No support for API functions related to GNSS, Audio, Power, Ref Time. - Using RSA607A, Output Level for Tracking Generator cannot be set. Workaround : None. - When Connect and Disconnect procedure is repeatedly run for extended time duration (> 2 hours), segmentation fault is observed. Workaround : Disconnect the USB RF Instrument by removing from USB 3.0 port and connect again. - Spectrum Sweep speed is slow (less than 1GHz/s) for span more than 3GHz. Workaround : None. Documentation ------------- The API Programming Reference has been changed to include support for Linux OS. The API Programming Reference manual is available on ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version Date: Dec 6, 2019 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This release note summarizes new features, improvements and bug fixes contained in the above software release. The RSA API for Linux are shared object (.so) files which provide direct access to the RSA300/500/600 devices. It enables full control of these RSA devices and provides several forms of data and measurements to support custom applications independent of SignalVu-PC. 64-Bit version of API is provided for usage on Centos 7, Debian 10, Ubuntu 18.04 The current software for the RSA API is available at Version adds the following functions. Added support for USB RF Devices RSA300/500/600. Bug fixes and other enhancements -------------------------------- - Supports basic API functions related to Device, Config, Alignment. - Supports API functions related to DPX, Spectrum, Ext Reference. - Supports API functions related to IQ Block, IQ Streaming, Trigger. - Supports API functions related to Playback of R3F File. - Supports RSA500/600 Device specific functionality such as Tracking Generator. Known Issues ------------ - No support for API functions related to IF Streaming, GNSS, Audio, Power, Time. - No support for Swept Spectrum Acquisition (Acq BW > 40MHz) Workaround : Need to manually tune at adjacent frequencies to obtain a contiguous spectrum trace. - When executing IQ data transfer, API rarely gives zero-array error. Workaround : Disconnect the device physically. Connect again, wait for status LED to become green, and then execute the API. - Running Alignment related API causes program to crash or bad IQ data on Ubuntu and Debian OS. Workaround : None. Alignment related API is not supported for Ubuntu or Debian OS. - When streaming IQ data by tuning at various frequencies, RSA607A gives errors related USB frame drop for the first tuned frequency. Workaround : None. - Using RSA607A cannot set output level for Tracking Generator. Workaround : None. - RSA306B cannot lock to 10MHz External Reference in Debian OS. Workaround : None. ===== Documentation ------------- The API Programming Reference manual is available on