Date: March, 2016

Product: USB 3.0 Essentials

Version: v10.1.0

Contents of this Readme File:
1. Introduction
2. USB created changes on your system.
3. Before you click "RUN"
4. Recommendations
5. Known Limitations
5.1 Installer related limitation
6. Changes in the new version


1. Introduction

The Tektronix USB 3.0 Essentials Options provide Design and Validation Engineers an Easy and Fast Way to Debug and Perform Compliance Testing for USB 3.0 devices.

USB 3.0 options install:
-'USB 3.0 Essentials' DPOJET Plug-in

The MOI contains the procedure for installation and the detailed information on how to
use the system. This USBReadme.txt file contains additional information for the user.
2. USB created changes on your system
USB 3.0 Essentials, a DPOJET Plug-in
a) USB 3.0 Essentials can be launched from “USB 3.0 Essentials“ menu under “Analyze” menu of Scope application menu
b) Launching USB option from Analyze menu of TekScope will launch DPOJET application with “USB” selected under Standards tab.
c) USB measurements on DPOJET do not have dedicated free trials.

3. Before you click "RUN"

a) Ensure that all the required instruments are properly warmed up, Signal Path
Compensation (SPC) is performed, followed by calibration and cable Deskew.
b) It is highly recommended to read USB3_DPOJET_MOI.pdf before you click "RUN
c) Supported list of equipment and accessories - DPO/DPS 70GHZ SX models

Minimum Requirement -
TekScope: WIN7 Ver: 10.3.3 and above
DPOJET: WIN7 Ver. 10.0.0 and above

4. Recommendations

Following recommendation to avoid any issues while running the tests

DPO/DSA/MSO oscilloscopes with a bandwidth of 8Ghz or higher are recommended for USB3.0 measurements.

5. Known Limitations

5.1 Installer related limitation
a) Required softwares are installed on C:\ only.
b) User needs to have administrative privilege while installing the application
c) If DPOJET software is upgraded and/or for some reason the DPOJET software is uninstalled and then installed again, please re-install USB software.



Changes in the previous version(v6.4.0)
Type C filters and setup files

Changes in the version(v6.3.0)
Version upgrade

Changes in the version(v6.2.4)
a) Installer update.

Changes in the new version(v7.0.0)
a) Before proceeding with installation, it will check for minimum bandwidth of >= 8GHz; TekScope v10.3.90 and DPOJET v7.3.0.
Changes in the new version(v6.2.2)
a) Made changes in SSC limits as per ECN 18.
b) Added filter files as per ECN 19.