Date: April 2019 README.TXT for TekExpress Automotive Ethernet Solution Software: v10.2.8 Win 7 64 bit / Win 10 64 bit Contents of this Readme File: 1. Introduction 2. Before you click "RUN" 3. TekExpress Automotive Ethernet Application related changes in your system 4. Supported Tests for IEEE Std.802.3bw Transmitter Electrical Specifications for 100 Base-T1 & 1000 Base-T1 5. What's new in this release? 6. Supported list of equipment and accessories 7. Known Limitations 7.1 TekExpress Automotive Ethernet application related limitations 7.2 TekExpress Automotive Ethernet application known issues 8. Installer Related Instructions ================================================================================================= 1. Introduction The Tektronix TekExpress Automotive Ethernet solution provides automated compliance test support for 100Base-T1 (IEEE Std.802.3bw) and 1000Base-T1 (IEEE Std 802.3bp™-2016) standard for Transmitter electrical specifications tests. Details are available in the Online Help. The compliance software allows for complete or selective testing of any of the transmitter electrical specifications including complete Oscilloscope control of the required setups. Software setup flexibility allows for design validation, margin analysis and repeatable compliance testing while reducing instrument setup difficulties. Additionally, the software can generate a comprehensive date-stamped test report with pass/fail results including Oscilloscope display waveforms and data plots. ================================================================================================= 2. Before you click "RUN" a) Ensure that all the required instruments are properly warmed up, Signal Path Compensation (SPC) is performed, followed by calibration and cable deskew. b) Steps for network drive connection b.1) Background information: After you first launch TekExpress, it creates the following folders on your Computer: "..\My Documents\My TekExpress\" ***NOTE. Ensure that the "My TekExpress" folder has full Read and Write access. ***NOTE. If a user with a different Windows login ID launches TekExpress, a new folder is created under "My documents" of new user. "..\Documents\My TekExpress\Automotive Ethernet\" "..\Documents\My TekExpress\Automotive Ethernet\Untitled Session\", This sub-folder is created every time the "TekExpress Automotive Ethernet.exe" is launched and this sub-folder is deleted when you exit application. CAUTION: Each session has multiple files associated with it. Do not modify any of the session files and/or folders as this may result in loss of data or corrupted session files. The "My TekExpress" folder mentioned above is created as a shared folder with share name as ’s My TekExpress ================================================================================================= 3. TekExpress Automotive Ethernet application related changes in your system. After first launch of "TekExpress Automotive Ethernet" following changes take place in your Computer. a) "My TekExpress" folder is created under "My Documents" folder of current user NOTE: If a user with new login ID launches "TekExpress Automotive Ethernet", "My TekExpress" folder is created under "My Documents" of the new user. b) "Automotive Ethernet" folder is created under "My TekExpress" folder c) "Untitled Session" folder is created under "Automotive Ethernet" folder, note that every time "TekExpress Automotive Ethernet" is launched "Untitled Session" folder is created under "Automotive Ethernet" folder and will be deleted after proper termination of application. d) If user saves a session in TekExpress Automotive Ethernet all session files are saved under "Automotive Ethernet" folder. Note that each session has multiple files associated with it and do not tamper with any of the session file(s) and/or folder(s) this may result in loss of data or corrupted session files. ================================================================================================= 4. Supported Tests for Automotive Ethernet Physical Layer Specification Tests are available for both Pre-recorded Waveform and live Signal inputs: TekExpress Automotive Ethernet application supports the following transmitter Electrical Specifications Tests for electrical characteristics of Physical Media Attachment (PMA). * 100Base-t1 (IEEE Std.802.3bw) tests Transmitter Electrical Specifications Tests: * Test - Transmit Clock Frequency * Test - Transmitter Timing Jitter - Master Mode * Test - Transmitter Timing Jitter - Slave Mode * Test - Transmitter Output Droop * Test - Transmitter Power Spectral Density (PSD) * Test 96.5.6 - Transmitter Peak Differential Output * Test - Transmitter Distortion * Test - Return Loss(MDI) *1000 Base-t1 (IEEE Std 802.3bp™-2016) tests Transmitter Electrical Specifications Tests: * Test - Transmit Clock Frequency * Test - Transmitter Timing Jitter - Master Mode * Test - Transmitter Timing Jitter - Slave Mode * Test - Transmitter Timing Jitter - MDI Jitter * Test - Transmitter Output Droop * Test - Transmitter Power Spectral Density (PSD) * Test - Transmitter Peak Differential Output * Test - Transmitter Distortion * Test - Return Loss(MDI) ================================================================================================= 5. What's new in this release? - April 2019 (Version: 10.2.8) * Added Filter information for Jitter measurements in the report * Enable logging option provided in UI (Preferences panel) * Issue with Instruments disconnecting on LAN is fixed * Support for P77STCABL probe tip with TDP77XX probes * Jumper settings based on LANE A,B,C and D are added for Tx Distortion measurement - February 2019 (Version: 10.2.6) Code drop * Added Transmitter Distortion Calibration details in the report * 1000Base-T1 PSD Mask hits computation improvement - December 2018 (Version: 10.2.5) * 1000Base-T1 Tx Distortion and Return Loss measurements support * Multirun support * SCPI support (Programmatic Interface) * 1000Base-T1 Tx Distortion Soft CDU support * Support to hide schematic popup for single measurement selection * 2MHz pass band filter applied to all jitter measurements * dBm and dBm/Hz unit selection options for PSD measurement - September 2018 (Version: 10.2.4) Code drop * Vertical scale improvements as per customer feedback * Measurement name added in connection schematic pop-up * Added Phase initiate command in AFG3K to get proper Phase * Return Loss Calibration Schematic updated for 1000Base-T1 * Fix for MSO5 series signal locking issue * Improvements to ReturnLoss calibration on AWG5200 to match with the expected results * Connection diagram updates - July 2018 (Version: 10.2.3) * Support for MSO 6 series scopes (This change does not affect 5K/7K/70K series scopes) - June 2018 (Version: 10.2.2) Code drop * Power Spectral Density: Changed from dBm to dBm/Hz * Tx Distortion and Tx Return Loss Measurements issue addressed for AWG 5200 series * Slave Jitter Signal Validation fix for 100Base-T1 - June 2018 (Version: 10.2.1) * Fix for Droop measurement execution issue on MSO 5 series Scope - April 2018 * 1000Base-T1 (Std 802.3bp™-2016)tests for electrical characteristics tests. * Histogram Plot for Transmitter Clock and Transmitter Jitter measurements. * 100 Base-T1 & 1000Base-T1 Return Loss test using Signal Generator AWG5200. * Vertical clipping issue for input signal range > 3 Voltage is fixed. * New test fixture, which support 100Base-T1 & 1000 base-T1 measurements. - Aug 2017 * Added new Transmitter Electrical specifications test called Transmitter Peak Differential Output. * Updated the Transmitter Distortion measurement a) Introduced "Software Signal Correction" method which runs without Hardware Clock Recovery unit. b) Added "None" option at Transmitter Distortion measurement configuration along with 'Hardware Clock Divider' and 'Software Signal Correction'. * Added support to generate result table in .csv format. This option is available under report tab. * Addressed some of the software defects and did improvements to the application. - June 2016 * Built for the new Scope firmware version 10.3.3 and above. * AFG3K setup fully automated for Return Loss measurement. * Added Support for Signal sources AWG5KB/C. * Signal validation for Transmitter Timing Jitter - Slave Mode test is added as a square wave. - April 2016 TekExpress BRR application supports the list of transmitter tests mention in section 4 (above) for electrical characteristics of Physical Media Attachment (PMA) for a BroadR-Reach Ethernet PHY. Tests are available for both Pre-recorded Waveform and live Signal inputs: 1) TekExpress BRR supports for BroadR-Reach Physical Layer Transceiver Specification tests. 2) Performance improvement for all the measurements. 3) New Calibration Tab for Transmitter Distortion and Return Loss(MDI) has been designed and merged with Configuration Window. 4) When TekExp BRR solution launches from 'Analyze' menu, a splash screen pops up as “TekExpress Initializing”. 5) Return Loss Calibration has 'Plot’ feature button. User can click and see the Load, Open and Short calibrated plots. 6) Automatic AWG5kc/7kc and AFG3kc setup for Disturber Source for Transmitter Distortion test. 7) Automatic AWG5kc/7kc and AFG3kc setup for Return Loss(MDI) test. 8) Tx Distortion measurement trigger width lower limit set from 480nsec to 470nsec to enable stable triggering for marginal devices 9) Tx Distortion measurement configuration has option 'Use Clock Divider Unit'. It allows user to set Reference 10 MHz clock as External for selected Signal Source and oscilloscope. 10) Transmitter Output Droop test has been improved with various Droop conditions. 11) Autoset performance on 5K/5KB scopes is improved from 45-50secs to ~9secs. 12) As per BroadR-Reach spec, respective Mask has been added on plots for Transmitter Power Spectral Density (PSD) and Return Loss(MDI) measurements. 13) Application provide an option to generate the report in PDF format. 14) Some of the key defects has been address in this release. 15) Golden reference waveforms are added for all the tests at below location, --> C:\Users\Public\Tektronix\TekApplications\Automotive-Ethernet\ Path of the AWG5k/7k and AWF3k setups are present at below location, --> C:\Program Files\Tektronix\TekExpress\TekExpress Automotive-Ethernet\AWG Waveforms\ ================================================================================================= 6. Supported list of equipment, accessories and software 6.1 Supported Oscilloscopes for: * DPO5104, DPO5204, MSO5104, MSO5204 * DPO5104B, DPO5204B, MSO5104B, MSO5204B * DPO7104C, DPO7254C, DPO7354C * DPO70404C, DPO70604C, DPO70804C, DPO71254C, DPO71604C, DPO72004C * DPO/DSA 70KD series * MSO70404C, MSO70604C, MSO70804C, MSO71254C, MSO71604C, MSO72004C * DPO72504DX, DPO73304DX, DPO72304DX, DPO72504DX, DPO73304DX, MSO72304DX, MSO72504DX, MSO73304DX *** NOTE: The TekExpress Automotive Ethernet application runs on the above Tektronix Oscilloscopes with bandwidths of >= 1 GHz for 100 Base-T1 and bandwidth of >= 2 GHz for 1000 Base-T1. 6.2 Supported AWGs and AFG for Automotive Ethernet : * AWG7102(Option 2): 10 GS/s * AWG7122B/C : 12 GS/s * AWG7082 * AWG7082B/C * AWG70102 * AWG5014: 1.2 GS/s, 14-bit AWG * AWG5014B/C * AWG5012B/C * AWG5002B/C * AWG5200 (Option: AC High Voltage) *** NOTE: - 1000Base-T1 Return Loss test can only run with AWG5200 with amplitude level >= 1.5 V. - Transmitter Distortion test can run with AWG5200, only if AC High Voltage option is enabled This test requires an amplitude setting of >= 3.6/2 V for channels. * AFG3252: 2 GS/s, 14-bit AFG * AFG3252C * AFG3102: 1 GS/s, 14-bit AFG * AFG3022B/C * AFG3052C * AFG3102C * AFG3152C * AFG3102 *** NOTE: 1) W/O Amplifier, AWG7000 series generates 2-Channels gain of 2 Vp-p. 2) Supported firmware version of AFG is 1.0.7 and above. 6.3 Probes: 100 Base-T1 Probes: * Return Loss Measurement: P6248, P6247, TDP1500 * All Other measurements: P6247, P6248, P6330, TDP1500, TDP3500 1000 Base-T1 Probes: * All measurements: TDP3500 **** NOTE: TCA-VPI50 50 OHM TekVPI to TekConnect Probe Adapter is require for MSO/DPO70K scope. 6.4 Test Fixtures: 100 Base-T1 * TF-GBE-BTP OR TF-XGBT * TF-BRR-CFD 1000 Base-T1 * TF-XGBT * TF-BRR-CFD *** TekScope: WiN7 64-bit Ver: 10.0 & above ================================================================================================= 7. Known Limitations 7.1 TekExpress Automotive Ethernet Application related limitations a) Return Loss and Transmitter Distortion measurements needs Calibration before RUN. Calibration is recommended when there is a change in the setup. b) After the calibration click 'Apply' button for Transmitter Distortion and Return Loss measurements. c) When you recall the Return Loss measurement session file, the Calibration files are not recalled. You need to set/load the Calibration files manually. d) You cannot stop or pause Calibration RUN during its execution. (This is applicable for both Return loss and Transmitter Distortion measurement) e) If Oscilloscope has Older version of solution, the Old session file saved at X:\BRR will not be able to load on this build. The New path for solution is 'X:\Automotive Ethernet'. *** Note:The TekExpress Automotive Ethernet Application is best viewed in super VGA resolution or higher video adapter, it is recommended to use secondary monitor 7.2 TekExpress Automotive Ethernet Application Known issues a) While printing the MHT report, page layout need to be adjusted to obtain desired level of text and image visibility either by using fit to single page or by printing report on multiple pages or by using large paper size. b) If too many times the TekExpress Automotive Ethernet application is stopped manually in between the Runs, you might observe some delay in test execution, it is recommended to re-launch the TekExpress Automotive Ethernet application. c) De-selecting all measurements action takes long time for 5k series scope. d) Transmitter Distortion test's Configuration Tab is flashing on click. ================================================================================================= 8. Installer Related Instructions: a) Installation of TekExpress Automotive Ethernet Application and other software packages are installed on C: drive only. b) The available free space on C: drive must be minimum 2.2GB. c) Need to have sufficient hard disc space (Minimum of 2GB) to save the session information. =================================================================================================