Release Notes Product (s) : TekExpress 100G-TXE Solution Version : 1.0.1 Last Revised : 26-March-2019 ================================================================================ Contents: 1. Introduction 2. List of supported equipment’s 3. List of supported test 4. TekExpress Application created changes on your system 5. Recommendations 6. Known Limitations ================================================================================ 1. Introduction The Tektronix TekExpress 100G-TXE is an automated test solution for performing 100GBASE-CR4, 100GBASE-KR4 and CAUI4 tests. - CAUI4, IEEE 802.3bm Specification, Annex 83E - TP1a and TP4 - 100GBASE-KR4, IEEE 802.3bj Specification, Section 93.8 - TP0a - 100GBASE-CR4, IEEE 802.3bj Specification, Section 92.8 - TP2 ================================================================================ 2. List of supported equipment’s Scope: DSA8300 Sampling Module : 80E07/B , 80E08/B, 80E09/B and 80E10/B Pre requite Opt JNB01 : 80SJNB Advanced Opt ADVTRG : Advanced Trigger with Pattern Sync CR286A : Clock Recovery unit 82A04B : Phase reference module 80X01 : Extension Module DSA8300 TekScope Version: and above 80SJNB Scope Version : and above ================================================================================ 3. List of supported tests 3.1 For 100G-CAUI4(TP1a) a) DC Common Mode Output Voltage b) Diff Peak to Peak Output Voltage-Tx Disabled c) Diff Peak to Peak Output Voltage-Tx Enabled d) AC Common Mode Output Voltage e) Single Ended Output Voltage f) Signaling Rate g) Eye Width h) Eye Height Differential i) Transition Time 3.2 For 100G-CAUI4(TP4) a) DC Common Mode Output Voltage b) Diff Peak to Peak Output Voltage-Tx Enabled c) AC Common Mode Output Voltage d) Signaling Rate e) Eye Width f) Eye Height Differential g) Vertical Eye closure h) Transition Time 3.3 For 100G-KR4(TP0a)/100G-CR4(TP2) a) DC Common Mode Output Voltage b) Diff Peak to Peak Output Voltage-Tx Disabled c) Diff Peak to Peak Output Voltage-Tx Enabled d) AC Common Mode Output Voltage e) Signaling Rate f) Transmitter Waveform Requirement 1. Signal to Noise and Distortion Ratio 2. Linear Fit Pulse Peak 3. Steady State Voltage 4. Minimum Pre-cursor full scale ratio 5. Minimum Post-cursor full scale ratio 6. Normalized Coefficient step size(C(-1), C(0) and C(1) increment & decrement step size) g) Output Jitter 1. Even-Odd Jitter Peak to Peak 2. Effective Total Uncorrelated Jitter Peak to Peak 3. Effective Bounded Uncorrelated Jitter Peak to Peak ================================================================================ 4. TekExpress 100G-TXE created changes on your system. After first launch of "TekExpress 100G-TXE.exe" following changes take place in your Scope. a) "My TekExpress" folder is created under "My Documents" folder of current user NOTE: If a user with new login ID launches "TekExpress 100G-TXE.exe" , "My TekExpress" folder is created under "My Documents" of the new user. b) "Untitled Session" folder is created under "100G-TXE" folder when the application is launched and will be deleted after proper termination of the application. c) If user saves a session then all session files are saved under "100G-TXE" folder accordingly. Note that each session has multiple files associated with it and do not tamper with any of the session file(s) and/or folder(s) as this may result in loss of data or corrupted session files. ================================================================================ 5. Recommendations a) Launch Tekscope application, 80SJNB Applictaion followed by TekExpress 100G-TXE application b) Ensure that all the required instruments are properly warmed up, Mainframe / Module Compensation is performed, followed by Instrument Noise calibration. ================================================================================ 6. Known Limitations 6.1 Installer related limitation a) Installation of TekExpress and other software packages are installed on C: drive only. b) The available free space on C: drive must be minimum 2.2GB. 6.2 TekExpress application related limitations a) None ================================================================================