Release Notes Product (s) : TekExpress Ethernet Version : Version 1.2.0/10.2.0 Last Revised : Aug-2019 ===================================================================================================================================== Contents: 1. Introduction 2. Supported list of Equipments, Accessories 3. Prerequisite 4. What's new in the release 5. Earlier releases 6. Modifications done on scope by TekExpress 7. Recommendation 8. Known Information/Limitations ===================================================================================================================================== 1. Introduction The Tektronix TekExpress Ethernet is an automated test solution for performing 1000BASE-T, 100BASE-TX and 10BASE-T tests ===================================================================================================================================== 2. Supported list of Equipments, Accessories Scopes Supported: 5 Series MSO, 6 Series MSO, MSO/DPO 5000, DPO 7000 and MSO/DPO 70000 C/DX/SX Additional Equipments Required: Waveform Generators: AFG3000, AFG31102, AFG31152, AFG31252, AWG5200 Series, AWG5000 Series, AWG7000 Series Probes: TDP1500, P6247, P6248, TDP3500 Fixtures: TF-GBE-BTP, TF-GBE-JTC, TF-GBE-SIC or TF-GBE-ATP ===================================================================================================================================== 3. Prerequisite MSO 5 and 6 series Scope Firmware Version : 1.20.7 or later MSO/DPO 5K/7K/70K C/DX/SX Windows 7: 10.8.3 only MSO/DPO 5K/7K/70K C/DX/SX Windows 10: 10.10.1 or later DPO77002SX: 10.10.0 or later ===================================================================================================================================== 4. What's new in the release 1000Base-T, 100Base-TX and 10Base-T measurements supported on MSO/DPO 5K/7K/70K C/DX/SX scopes. Improvements done for Return Loss measurements. ===================================================================================================================================== 5. Earlier releases Release v1.1.0 (May-2019) a)10 Base-T Return Loss (Transmitter and Receiver) b)100 Base-T Return Loss (Transmitter and Receiver) c)1000 Base-T Return Loss (Transmitter) d)100 Base-T Jitter e)10 Base-T Jitter f)10 Base-T Link Pulse Timing Release v1.0.1 (Jan-2019) 10 Base-T measurements a) Link Pulse (With and without TPM) b) TP IDL (With and without TPM) c) MAU d) Harmonic e) CM Voltage f) Differential Voltage 100 Base-T measurements a) Duty Cycle Distortion Release v1.0.0 (Oct-2018) 1000 Base-T measurements: a) Template (with and without Disturber support) b) Peak (with and without Disturber support) c) Droop (with and without Disturber support) d) Distortion (with and without Disturber support, with and without Clock support) e) Jitter (with and without Clock support) f) Common Mode Voltage 100 Base-T measurements: a) AOI Template b) Fall Time c) Rise Time d) RF Symmetry e) Overshoot f) Differential Output Voltage g) Amplitude Symmetry ===================================================================================================================================== 6. Modifications done on scope by TekExpress After first launch of Tekexpress Ethernet application following changes take place on scope: a) "My TekExpress" folder is created under "My Documents" folder of current user b) "Untitled Session" folder is created under "Ethernet” folder when the application is launched and will be deleted after proper termination of the application c) If user saves a session, then all session files are saved under "Ethernet" folder. Note that each session has multiple files associated with it and do not tamper with any of the session file(s) and/or folder(s) as this may result in loss of data or corrupted session files ===================================================================================================================================== 6. Recommendation Ensure that all the required instruments are properly warmed up, Signal Path Compensation is performed. ===================================================================================================================================== 8. Known Limitations/Information 8.1 Installer related information/limitation a) TekExpress Ethernet and other software are installed on C: drive only. b) User will need administrative privilege while installing the application c) The available free space on C:\ drive must be minimum 5GB. 8.2 General limitations: a) Select unique channel number for Data, Master Clock and Slave Clock. b) Clock channel settings and Jigmatch setting will be applicable only for measurements that need them. c) For the first time launch, application will launch only after instrument discovery search is complete. This may take 10 mins (for first time launch only). d) Pre-Recorded mode will work for few measurements only. Some measurements support only single run in Pre-Recorded mode. e) Measurement may get skipped if it is not able find the right waveform /invalid test mode signal. f) All references to “100BaseT” point to the Fast Ethernet “100BaseTX” standard as specified in ANSI X3.263 Specification. g) 10BT Jitter, Differential Voltage and Harmonics measurements are currently not available in this release for MSO/DPO 5K/7K/70K C/DX/SX scopes =====================================================================================================================================